A site to promote the up-coming Audio series.



Download your complete series of ten episodes today on Payloadz!


Indiegogo Campaign seeks Support to finish Episodes 8, 9, & 10


Can you support our campaign to help fund these remaining three episodes?

Episode Two is now available to Patrons on the Patreon site!


Episode Two! What can I say?

Check out the link below:


Patreon Campaign


Hello All!

Just to let you know, we’ve started a campaign on Patreon, to help raise money to complete the audio series. We’re asking you for your financial support to do so. Through a donation you give every time a new episode is available to download, you will be helping to make Flashback, the audio series a reality.

As I’ve not been able to dedicate the time needed to edit and mix and master the episodes, the material has sat on my computer unloved for over two years while I have been doing my day job. But with your help, I can devote the time needed to complete the editing work and get this series out there.

It has been way too long for this wonderful series to continue languishing in this “half-finished” state. I’d like to see it released and enjoyed, and then start on a brand new project – perhaps a series 2 (I’ve got some good ideas there), or even a few spin-off ideas.

Either way, if you can part with a tiny donation, you’ll be doing us a big favour – and you’ll be able to choose from a few rewards as well. Of course, the downloaded episodes are what you probably really want, so here is your chance to obtain them before anyone else – on radio or through other sources of media (online or off). Be there at the creation stage and be a part of the magic.

Just go to the following site and download episode one. If you like it, consider supporting us by becoming a Patreon patron and you’ll have access to the other nine episodes as they are released. Check out the VIDEO TRAILER NOW ONLINE at Patreon!



Patrick Conner

patVimeoIt is with great sadness that I release this post into the realm of the Internet. This past Friday morning, our dear friend and colleague, Patrick Conner passed away peacefully at home, after nearly a year of bravely fighting liver cancer. He is survived by his long-term friend and partner, Andrew Arnold.

Patrick will always be a part of my life, even though I have to admit that I hardly ever got to see him – living as he did in the heart of Toronto, Canada, while I live across the Atlantic in rural Wales. But as Henry David Thoreau once said, “Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance, for they make the latitudes and longitudes.”

With regards to Patrick, I will never forget his dedication to working with those around him, whether that be as a fellow actor, a brilliant director, or his tireless work with a local organic Co-op in Toronto, where he dedicated much of his later years to championing the push to educate people about genetically modified foods and to promote healthy eating lifestyles.

Patrick’s massive portfolio of work included all the prestigious Toronto venues, and quite a few independent ventures as well, such as Canadian Stage, Factory Theatre, and Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, while his award-winning directing credits are really too many to mention. Every review I ever read about Pat’s work was overwhelmingly positive, and I think he was known as someone who could be trusted to pull off difficult material with finesse, style and originality. He really had a passion for directing but he never forgot what it was like to be an actor.

Tom listens to SmookieHe did serious plays, comic plays, mask-work, movement work – he was always willing to try something new. I was fortunate to have worked with him a number of times, mostly in my early video work, but he was also always there to offer advice, especially as I moved into directing a handful of theatre pieces myself. He was kind and never judgemental, gracious in his approach to the material and to the people he chose to work with. While it is untrue of most people, I have to say that I never heard a bad thing said about him, by anyone – ever. And to my mind that only can mean that everyone loved Patrick.

Pat concentrated much of the last few years on his work with the Co-op, on teaching at George Brown College and on directing, rather than acting. I had even heard through the grapevine that he wanted to move away from acting but when I approached Pat to consider revisiting the character of Professor Tom Swyft, (now over two years ago), there really was no hesitation. I asked him why he was interested in returning to a character that he hadn’t played in nearly a decade, and he gave me one simple answer. It was a heartfelt and blunt answer and it sticks in my mind because of the rapid way in which he delivered his answer. He just looked at me and said, “Because this is for Michael’s memory and it is for you.”

That’s the kind of gentleman Pat was. He did go on to say that really, he would have done anything that I was involved in, not just for the sake of the past but because he had always liked my (and Michael’s) sense of humour and our skewed way of looking at the world. I relish the fact that Patrick always “got” that, and that was why he was so brilliant in the role – he really knew how to embody the crazy character as Michael wrote him.

As the edits continue on the audio series, I have to say that life has been providing me with loads of ups and downs recently – forcing even further delays in releasing the material into the public realm. But through the support of those closest to me, one day Flashback will be out there – besides, I can’t keep sitting on this little gem for too long. Life’s events may take their toll and twist and turn around us, but I am grateful that even this delay will have the sentimental ability to give Patrick’s friends and family one last taste of his genius when the ten episodes of this series are finally released. There are hours of gorgeous material that haven’t seen the public light of day yet and Pat shines marvellously as a most unforgettable character. I am just so sorry that the box set will now include two posthumous dedications instead of the single one to Michael.

patrickGoodbye, dear Patrick. You were taken from this world far too early. I wanted to end this post by quoting for you something pithy, something deep and resonant, with a strong literary bearing, but all I can think of are a few lines of text that I can’t seem to shake from my mind. Yet somehow these few words seem to sum up everything that I want to say about Pat, so I’ll end with them instead:

“Don’t cry because it’s over.  Smile because it happened.”  ~ Theodor Seuss Geisel